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Hi! I'm Fran.

Welcome to my blog! Here I'm going to share some articles about software development, blockchain, and other tech-related topics. I hope you find them interesting and useful. Enjoy your stay! 🚀 Also some of my pet projects 🐕

Who am I?

I graduated in 2017 as a software engineer and have been diving into the tech world ever since. I'm all about football, blockchain, and full-stack development, especially in the Web3 space. I had the opportunity to share insights as a speaker at JavaScript Day Canarias in2023 about web3 development tools and how to write decentralized applications compatible with EVM.

With over 7 years of delivering professional software. I've been tinkering with everything from front end applications, back-ends to smart contracts and always trying to follow the best practices. I'm a huge advocate for automated testing; it gives me that extra confidence boost. For me, it's all about writing quality, straightforward code that's easy to maintain and adapt.

And speaking of adaptability, successful software should be able to evolve effortlessly, right?